Steffen Muldbjerg

Frontend Developer - KeyShot

I’m crazy about custom icons

Icons designed specifically for that projects gives a cool finish – that can push the project over the edge to really awesome. Here is a small collection of icons I have designed for different projects.

Handdrawn icons in a notebook

Sometimes I start on paper. Other times I go straight to Illustrator. These icons are designed for a book I did together with other scouts.

It was handed out to young scout leaders at a leadership and communication education. I also taught at this education.

Custom icons including a fish, strategy, Facebook and sunglasses

I’m a proud citizen of Aarhus. And I made these famous landmarks into icons, as a part of a project for ÅUF. Which is an organization for local groups in Aarhus.

Custom icons of buildings in Aarhus - The iceberg, the botanic garden, musikhuset and the old city

These icons were made for a promoting education for scouts. They were used on small pins, in materials and on social media.

Scout icons including axe, compass, map, notebook