Steffen Muldbjerg

Frontend Developer - Luxion

Step into your filter bubble

April means busy when you study IT Product Development. Because it now the prototypes will have to be done.

And that’s right now. My study group and I am building on a social installation. Making the concept of filter bubbles real to people. Tangible.

A concept drawing of the filter dome

We have build a dome for people to step into their bubble. It’s made up of simple poles and 3D printed joins. It is covered with white sheets from IKEA – which I sawed together to fit over the dome.

It has been a while since I last operated a sewing machine. So a 4 meter in diameter dome – no problem. Well, it ended up better then any of us dared to hope for.

A man (myself) sewing a big sheet on a sewing machine

The filter dome covered in sheet

When you steps into the dome to test it, you’ll get asked to log into it installation with your facebook profile. People outside the dome then get to control your filter bubble. This is experienced in the dome through sounds, video, images and projections.

I’ve made multiple simple ReactJS applications, to show all of this images and videos. Along with the app you use to login with.

The installation will be shown at Dokk1 for Internet Week Denmark, 3.-4. may. I’m excited to hear, what kind of discuss our installation will create.

You’re of course welcome to come and try it !